Jump Around | 3D Character Animation
In a private project, we embarked on creating a dynamic dancing girl animation set to the iconic lyrics of House of Pain’s „Jump Around,“ voiced by an AI-generated singer. Using Maya from Autodesk and Redshift for rendering, we meticulously choreographed the girl’s movements to synchronize with the song’s rhythm and energy. From lively jumps to spirited footwork, every detail was crafted to encapsulate the essence of the music. Rendering with Redshift ensured stunning visual fidelity, enhancing the overall impact of the performance.
While we’ve utilized House of Pain’s lyrics, any copyright concerns are acknowledged and addressed. For further inquiries or issues, feel free to reach out to us.
Client: 3DCharacters
Postproduction: 3DCharacters
Task: 3D Character Animation
Format: 10 sec short
Year: 2023